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Converting + grnd to - grnd

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: Converting + grnd to - grnd
From: Robert T Chafin <rtchafin@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 21:10:39 -0500
In-reply-to: <>
References: <LAW2-F58wsnJhtjm7I60000ec96@hotmail.com>
Reply-to: Robert T Chafin <rtchafin@earthlink.net>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
There's another alternative to converting to negative ground; install an
alternator - converted to positive ground, of course!

I once did this using an early-70's Chrysler alternator, and the total
conversion time took on the order of a couple hours, including making
brackets for a '65 Spit.

The polarity of the alternator is reversed by the simple expedient of
unsoldering and pressing out the diodes from the alternator case (you've
got to split the case halves first). Then reverse their positions: the
upper diodes become lower ones, and vice-versa.  You'll see what I mean
when you get the alternator apart - a simple job in itself. 
What you've done is reverse the polarity of a full-wave rectifier.
I then used a Chrsyler-type (two-wire?) voltage regulator,  and
disconnected all the electrical leads to the Triumph regulator,  a huge
voltage & current type.

I never had to worry about battery charge again!

The ignition fix was another story...


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