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TR6 prices & intro

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: TR6 prices & intro
From: lars.johnsen@hd.uib.no (Lars G. Johnsen)
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 11:19:57 +0100
Reply-to: lars.johnsen@hd.uib.no (Lars G. Johnsen)
Sender: owner-vtr
Hello everyone!

My name is Lars G. Johnsen, live in Bergen Norway, and I am in the process
of bying a TR6.

The question I have is this. Does anyone know how the price for a TR6 has
developed since 76 until now?

I know that the magazines operates with three price groups, and, from what
I can gather from those, the groups and the prices (in pounds) now (in 96)
(1) excellent = 9000
(2) good = 6000
(3) fair = 4000.

So if anyone has the price development of the TR6, I would very much
appreciate having a share in that information.

Drive safe,


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