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Virus warning

To: Scions of Lucas <British-cars@autox.team.net>, VTR <vtr@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Virus warning
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 10:57:22 EDT
Wouldn't you know? Right after I sent out the note about Good Times
I got a visit from our Computer Security Unit. Their position is that
this particular incident is a hoax. They caution however that anyone
who thinks that a virus can't be transmitted via e-mail is a
victim-in-waiting. And they further caution that if the
perpetrator of the hoax thinks that everyone believes Good Times
is not dangerous, they may be tempted to write the real thing.
The official policy here is to inform everyone to delete any message
with that subject line regardless. Better safe than sorry and all that.

If anyone is annoyed by my use of bandwidth for this, I apologize.
My feeling is that I'd rather look the fool for falling for a hoax than
know I ignored a danger and someone I know and care about suffered for

Rik Schlierer                        "Keep a good thought"
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US                 (B. MILLER)

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  • Virus warning, RGS03%ALBNYDH2.bitnet <=