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Re: [Vintage-race] Curious About Racecar Transportation

To: Vintage Racing Digest <>,
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] Curious About Racecar Transportation
From: N Smith <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 17:51:54 -0700 (PDT)
Interesting point. There does seem to be more big rigs but then the
quality of the cars seem to be getting better as well. The more the
cars gain in value the more you will see people that are "wine and
cheese" racers. I tease about that because that is what I used to hear
them referred to as. There are those that have their own big rigs and
those that are part of a track support group. I realized that the
benefit of having transportation and track support is a certain
reality for me as the time I spent doing my own prep, towing to the
race and the extra days spent on it all was more than I could afford
with a business and and a family. Until I retire the extra expense is
worth it to me to get the valuable time back. There are several
opinions on this but it is different for everyone and in the end, we
all end up on the track together and have fun.

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