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RE: Stumped

To: <>, <>,
Subject: RE: Stumped
From: "Henry Frye" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 17:57:53 -0500
Hi Nick,

So I read your post this morning. My thought was you saw something
bizarre that you folks from California see from time to time.

Then, this morning I was in the parking lot of a new client and out of
the corner of my eye I saw it! I wish I had my real camera, but this is
the best I could do with the cheesy camera in my Treo.

Spotted in Connecticut.

As Doug Mitchell said, Hyundai. But this one says Supercharged on the
back, carbon fiber hood, something like 3.9 liters...

Could be a new version of Badge Engineering!

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Subject: Stumped

> As I gained on him,
> the car appeared to be an Acura and I didn't pay much
> attention. But, as I got close enough, the rear end didn't
> seem quite right. Instead of the usual Acura badging, the
> name "Tuscan" stood out.

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