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To: <>
Subject: Off Topic
From: Clark Smith <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 21:40:15 -0700
Hi All,

I have a very close friend who made a name for himself racing Porsches,
Aston Martins, Ferraris, Formula Juniors and Lotuses during the Golden Era.
He was an early member of the SCCA and contributed countless hours to the
success and safety of racing events from Watkins Glenn to Pebble Beach while
helping fellow racers in mechanical need just for the sport of it.

I consider "car guys" a breed apart from the general population, so I'm
asking for a little help on his behalf but without his knowledge.

This friend has inoperable esophageal cancer.  He has defied dying "on
schedule" 16 months ago because of his incredibly positive attitude and
lifelong healthy habits.  Right now his greatest wish is to find a local
doctor that might have a creative idea to prolong his life a few more months
so he can "enjoy life another 90 days or so".

If anyone knows of an oncologist in Northern California, or any doctor
anywhere else that might have a recommendation or can make an introduction
(at say Stanford), I would be honored to speak with you and pass along your

Now back to your regular programming....



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