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Re: Pedigrees, Exclusivity and Vintage Racing "so what"

Subject: Re: Pedigrees, Exclusivity and Vintage Racing "so what"
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 21:20:27 EDT
    Well thought out and excellent points to consider.  I particularly like 
the comments regarding the loss of "templates" to measure against.  The 
standard shifts from the honest example preserved from 25, 30, 40 years ago 
towards the newly minted and much improved vintage race cars.
    My car is rare and never made a mark in SCCA racing so I really have not 
seen anything that would serve as a proper "template".  My budget has 
dictated that I keep things fairly simple and original.  Budget driven or 
not, I still take considerable pride in the idea that my car actually 
complies with the "period" GCR's.

    Doug Meis
    1967 Honda S800 roadster 
    - off to Pittsburgh in the morning for the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix.

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