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Re: Aviation Gas

To: Roger Sieling <>
Subject: Re: Aviation Gas
From: Grant Reynolds <>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 14:05:49 -0400
My formula vee engine builder, Mike Palermo, (Peak Performance), 
strongly recommends avgas for FV's.  We use 100 octane low lead - a 
Vee's compression ration is ridiculous even for a street car - and it 
burns as clean as unleaded. It's other principal virtues are that it's 
stable and of good quality anywhere.
Grant Reynolds

Roger Sieling wrote:

> There were some good articles written in past and one of the big differences
> is Reid vapor pressure. Avgas is formulated to be used at higher altitudes
> than most of us drive our race cars. We used to use it in our Datsun rally
> car, but it got v. difficult to get. Most airports around here want to see you
> putting it into an aeroplane, road taxes and all.
> Roger
>>>> "Don Queen" <> 05/14/01 11:28AM >>>
> It seems that everyone has an opinion on the use of AV gas in a race engine.
> I've used it for a few seasons with great results. My Alfa has 11.5 - 1 comp
> ratio. I have no preignition and the last leakdown indicated 20 + races with
> no need yet for even a valve job.
> My aviation mechanic buddies swear by it pointing out that the demands of an
> airplane engine far exceed the needs of the average vintage race car.
> My engine builder murmurs some incantation about additives, but he's only
> repeating what he's heard.
> I pay $2.15 a gallon for 110 leaded, less that pump gas on the West Coast.
> Opinions, facts, incantations ?
> Don Queen

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