In a message dated 3/29/01 10:09:52 PM, writes:
<< But if the 7/10ths rule is thrown out, aren't you really just
Of course we are racing! That's why it's so much damn fun!
I have been vintage racing for 15 years. I have never heard of a
"7/10ths rule". I have heard it as advice in drivers meetings, but never as
a formal rule. It's not a "rule" in the same way the 13/13 rule is a formal
rule. You should race at a level of effort that is comfortable to you. If
you can drive at something over 7/10ths safely, fine, no problem. Race as
hard as you want to. Just leave enough margin to avoid contact or a solo
accident. But the rule that enforces that level of racing is the 13/13 rule.
<<And if you are really racing old vintage cars, then in essence you are just
a vintage version of SCCA, ie, SCCA circa 1967 or SCCA circa 1972. So how
is that better? >>
A totally separate debate is what we are racing. Each vintage group has
a different focus and flavor of cars - different periods of eligibility,
different requirements for faithfulness to the period. One is not "better"
or worse than the other. (or better or worse than current SCCA racing) Just
Doug Meis