Two questions -
1 - anyone recognize what this manifold might be?
2 - anyone want to buy it? - going cheap.
Cast aluminum - no name or part number markings - has boss for vacuum
take off on end runner, but not drilled on this piece. About 4" long.
Outer face suits pair Weber 45DCOE's.
Inner (cylinder head) face has four circular holes 1.2" dia - these are
nicely polished so might have originally been slightly smaller. They are
in 2 pairs - each pair has 2" cl-cl spacing - and there is 7.45 cl-cl
spacing between the pairs. [In other words the linear spacing is 2" -
5.45" - 2"]. Cylinder head face must point about 10 degrees upwards -
assuming Webers are horizontal.
Looks like intake and exhaust must be on same side since mounting holes
are "half holes" at edge of flange - indicating they also retained
exhaust manifold/headers.
Thx - Derek