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Re: MGB rear axles

Subject: Re: MGB rear axles
From: "Mark Palmer" <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 20:41:57 GMT
Interesting idea.  I could also add: if the fine threads that Roger mention 
fail, or if the hub nut comes off ... then the axle REALLY floats!  It's 
rare in my experience, but Gary Harrison had this happen at Summit Point a 
couple years ago.  The hub nut is retained by a tab washer, which had 
probably failed on his car allowing the nut to work loose.  Wheel, brake 
drum, axle shaft, hub, and bearings all parted company with the axle 
housing.  He briefly had a very wide-track MGA.

Mark Palmer

>From: "Roger Sieling" <>
>Reply-To: "Roger Sieling" <>
>Subject: Re: MGB rear axles
>Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 10:04:55 EDT
>NO NO NO. Later MGBs have the same type of axle you already have. It is the
>earlier ones which are full floaters. Someone one this thread early on
>stated that some very early Sprites were full floater, but in reality, they
>all were, at least until 1974 and the TR engined Midget.
>Why doesn't someone out there in the TR community figure out how to make a
>conversion to put full floater hubs onto the ends of TR axle housings. It
>would certainly seem feasible to me. The adapter could pilot into the
>housing where the bearing presses in now, held in with the same bolts which
>retain the bearing retainer and brake back plate. One disadvantage of full
>floaters is that the ends of the axle housing must be threaded, usually 
>very fine threads and not much material beneath the threads. If and when
>they fail, you pitch the whole housing and start with another. With an
>adapter, you'd just replace it and be ready to go. You could even carry a
>Roger Sieling
> >From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
> >Reply-To: "Jack W. Drews" <>
> >To:
> >Subject: MGB rear axles
> >Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:53:34 -0500
> >
> >After rolling my TR4 into a ball last weekend because of rear axle
> >failure, I'm considering switching to some form of MGB rear axle, which
> >has a full floating axle in the later years.
> >
> >Do any of you MG racers have any words of wisdom regarding pros and
> >cons?
> >
> >--
> >
> >TR6 -- 29 and still running
> >TR4 -- 39 but no longer racing
> >uncle jack -- temporarily sidelined
> >
> >


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