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Lotus 51 rear axle

To: "Vintage race (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Lotus 51 rear axle
From: "Ultra Precision Ltd." <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 17:21:51 -0700
To anyone that can help:

I have just taken my axles out with the intention of repacking with
silicone grease and was amazed to find standard #208 bearings with
double seals which of course are packed by the manufacturer when
produced.  It is easy enough to replace the bearings with the
manufacturers grease of course.

Is this the correct bearing that should be on my axle or has it been
changed over the years? and should I be concerned with the type of
grease which is in small quantities contained within the bearing itself.

Looking forward to any input you can give me as I do not  wish to loose
a back axle.

Philip (Lotus 51A)

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