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Re: Group 44

Subject: Re: Group 44
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 19:26:29 -0700
Just as a side to this thread, we had SCCA Vintage Races last weekend at
Sebring and got together as an informal group for dinner Saturday
night.  As we were finishing, Bob Tullius and a friend were seated at
the table next to ours.  I told him that he had been the "hot topic" of
late on the internet to which he only responded "Oh no.."  I told him it
was all good and not to worry which made him smile.  Always a

Unfortunately, I did not get the opportunity to visit his warehouse of
goodies though others in our group did.  They said it was immaculate
(big surprise) and well worth the price of admission (a donation to the
local SPCA I'm told).  Next trip I'll make the time to visit.

*8o) wrote:
> I wrote the Classic and Sportscar article on Tulius. Lots of fun. We talked
> for about 4 hours non-stop.
> Harold Pace

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