sorry to bomb the list on this one but before i dispose of the nose section
a-la-circular saw i figure i should offer it to someone who might need it to
make a mold from it for replacement sections for another car. i do not
know for certain which mk# this stuff is from. it sort of has the mclaren
can-am wedge shape to it. it is no good to be placed upon a car as it is
badly cracked and a bit modified (widened 2" both sides). it could be
repaired enough to use as a buck to pull off a mold if someone need one(with
a bit of work)....ok a lot of work!
i can no longer store it and figure that it should go to some industrious
fiberglass lover(unlike me *itch-itch*). the 2 doors are in great shape
with only a few pop rivet holes to be filled and a piece of piano hinge
riveted to the bottoms. they still show some spots of original legrand gray
gel coat. if it of any assistance the tops of the doors have an upswept (not
flat) top (lower at thefront and a bit higher at the top).
anyone interested ? located just west of allentown pa.
just think, you too could fabricate a 1970's sports racer take 1part resin
and add a few drops of hardner and some carefully placed fiberglass.... and
*poof* like magic you two can itch and scratch your way to a fun project!