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Re: Need list of top Vintage Car companies

Subject: Re: Need list of top Vintage Car companies
From: Alfred Kobacker <>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 12:48:57 -0400
Geez Dick, give the guy a break.  Things may not always be as they seem,
and its possible that what you've written is very unfair.  Example -  we
own the name  We bought it when we owned an Internet
development company and expected to build something very special of it.  We
then sold the company and having no resources to develop the site, decided
recently to sell the name as a surplus asset.  It was only through the
response of the Internet industry that we learned it had great value in and
of itself.  Prior to that, it had never crossed my mind.

In any case, there was nothing fast buck about it, no 'latching' onto
anything.  And in Joe's case, he may make $50 on his name for all you know
... In my opionion, there's nothing in his letter that should have provoked
your response, unless you are sensitive to and jealous of all the big bucks
people are making on the Internet for doing, it seems, nothing.  I know I
am. ;-)

BTW, FYI, and FWIW, looks like we're putting together a new partnership to
develop if it all comes together, you can look for something
pretty special in about 6-9 months... and appropriate gestation period...


>Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 09:26:54 -0700
>From: "Richard E. Buckingham, Jr." <>
>X-Accept-Language: en
>Subject: Re: Need list of top Vintage Car companies
>Reply-To: "Richard E. Buckingham, Jr." <>
>X-RCPT-TO: <>
>Listers:  I sent this message to Joe and then decided to share it with you
>all.  Dick
>> I, for one, am irritated and offended by people who latch on to desirable
>> domain names and then try to make a killing by selling it to some company
>> who
>> wasn't as quick as you were.  AND THEN to ask us to help you in your scheme
>> seems to show an amazing amount of gaul.  My feeling is that if you are
>> intending to make a "fast buck," you can damn well do your own research.
>> least that would go part way towards justifying whatever you intend to
>> charge.
>> Dick Buckingham, Jr.
>> I'm selling the domain name  and I need to get a list
>> of the top companies and individuals who do business in the area of vintage
>> cars.
>> Can anyone help me find this information?
>> Many thanks,
>> Joe Mansfield
>> Littleton, MA

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