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Speed differentials/1955 Le Mans

Subject: Speed differentials/1955 Le Mans
From: Gary Trobaugh <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 19:20:56 -0600
Gary Trobaugh wrote:
The only good thing to come out of that catastrophe was the fact
that it motivated John Fitch to invent the highway safety crash
cushion barrel.This device has saved an innumerable number of 
More Trivia:
We all know that P.Levegh was driving the Mercedes-Benz 300SLR
at Le Mans.
What was the car's serial and registration number?
The car had been in two previous races.
Name the races, car's race numbers, drivers, and finish positions.

I have posted the answers on my website as "Trivia Answers" :

With kind regards,
Gary Trobaugh wrote:
> Trivia:  French driver, Pierre Levegh in 1952 attempted to drive the full 24
> Heures du Mans by himself in a Talbot.  He was leading after 23 hours, thirty
> minutes...then he got sloppy and missed a shift...broke the transmission...
> to become a DNF.   Levegh finished fourth in 1951 and crashed in 1954.  I
> wrote earlier today about the 1955 Le Mans race.. in which he was teamed with
> John Fitch in the Mercedes 300SLR.  Fitch never took his stint as Levegh
> crashed two-half hours into the race.  Mercedes withdrew their cars
> (Fangio/Moss were in the lead)  nearly 8 hours later at 2 a.m. Sunday.   Mike
> Hawthorn/Ivor Bueb went on to take a hallowed win at Le Mans in the D-Jag.
> The 'trick' to trivia not to try to learn everything .. but, to learn
> where to go to to find it!  I have a great resource library!
> Lee Raskin
> Arnolt-B and 356er

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