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Re: Trailer Canopy or Awning

Subject: Re: Trailer Canopy or Awning
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 14:57:46 EST
To Roger and all:

Been there, done that, with both on-trailer awning and free-standing EZ-UP.  
My vote goes strongly to the EZ UP.  From my experience, the one attached to 
the trailer offers far less flexibility.  It means you almost always must 
pull your trailer in perpendicular to the paddock aisle in order to park 
under it. In some pit situations, this is not possible or desireable (or it 
ends up on the wrong side!).  The separate canopy or EZ UP allows you to set 
up however you want.

Also, the support poles for the on-trailer awning are inevitably in the way, 
and you or your friends bang your head on them if you leave them attached to 
the trailer.  If you free stand them, then they need ballast to hold them 
down.  I badly damaged my awning at Willow Springs when a gust of wind picked 
it up and folded it over the top of the trailer...expensive repairs$$$.  Its 
also quite common to end up ripping the fabric when the door opens into it.

The EZ-UP I use is a 10 X 15 one that covers the car and has the canvas 
permanently attached.  I did have two 10 X 10's.  They were cheaper, but the 
poles were in the way, and leaked in the middle (at the junction) if it 
rained.  I can put up and take down the EZ UP by myself, but it is easier 
with a hand or two, and its VERY FAST to do, unlike some of my friends who 
use the conduit erector set type (however also much cheaper!!).

There are some cheap EZ UPs now, and some clones.  Personally, I'd stay away 
from the ones with plastic fittings.  If they break, you're screwed...The all 
metal ones require periodic maintainence (replacing lost pivot screws) and 
lubricating the slides, but they're pretty bullet-proof.  I usually use extra 
tires/wheels, or my air tank and floor jack for ballasts, with tie straps at 
the corners.  I often leave it up all night with tie straps to the car 
itself, and I've never had a problem, even in some VERY strong winds.

A 10 X 15 EZUP isn't cheap, though....$600 +/-.  But in my mind worth it.  I 
think thats comparable or cheaper than a new, attached to the trailer awning 

Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus (made in the shade) Cortina Mk1 #128

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