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Re: New tow vehicle help

To: Simon Favre <>
Subject: Re: New tow vehicle help
From: Derek Harling <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 00:35:51 -0500
Not to prolong the off-topic discussion too long but my understanding is -
 - cottage weavers from Luddington smashed the new machines
 - the term Luddites came into use somewhat later to describe people who 
distrusted or
opposed new technology
 - now there is a new counter culture developing  - and using/abusing the term 
Luddite -
to shout down all kinds of 21st century thinking like the internet, e-commerce,, gm food, etc, etc.

But as long as we all agree that the earth is flat that's OK.

Gosh I hope Brian buys his new tow vehicle soon.


Simon Favre wrote:

> The Luddites were a group of people who opposed the Industrial Revolution
> by throwing things into the machinery to break it. Ever heard of throwing
> a monkey wrench in the machinery? In the UK, that would be a "spanner in
> the works." The term is properly used to describe anybody who deliberately
> sabotages new technology. I think it was misused in describing anyone who
> still uses a pickup to tow a race car. If you call somebody a Luddite for
> mindlessly clinging to old technology instead of embracing the new, that
> term might apply to all of us! ;=)
> And, YES, I still use a pickup truck, dammit!
> wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 2/9/00 2:11:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > <<
> >  PLEASE somebody explain to me why so many luddites swear by pickups. >>
> >
> > Okay, am I the only one who's stupid?  So what's a luddite?
> >
> > Rod Schweiger
> > '64 MGB Sebring Coupe with stupid driver

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