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Free vintage car

Subject: Free vintage car
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 14:26:04 EST
Several years back, my (now ex-gf) and I fell into an old Formula V frame. It 
had been sitting in and out of garages for no one knows how long. It's a 
ladder type, heavy square tube frame. (rust free) It has the remnants of a 
couple of fiberglass body pieces and a shift linkage with it. I don't 
remember if I ever saw a roll bar number on it. I know it doesn't have any ID 
plates. We hung it up in her garage and got back to work on our IT race cars. 

She has now moved away and her daughter lives in her house but I have a key. 
I chatted with the exgf recently and she said she has no use for it and to 
sell it or give it away. With my new Europa, (and the IT and the wife's CS 
RX7), I don't either. Sooooooo... anyone coming to Vegas?? I'd hate to junk 
it. Gene

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