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Re: Insulated Garage Doors

To: Derek Harling <>,
Subject: Re: Insulated Garage Doors
From: Bruce & Sylvia Ross <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:02:20 -0800
Hi Derek,
The moisture in the air inside the garage is warm enough not to condense,  as
that air comes in contact with the colder surface of the door it condenses;
much like the condensation on the cold water tap in your bath or kitchen sink.
 To stop the warm, moist in your cozy "Race Shop" from coming in contact with
the cold metal door you need a "vapor barrier" on the warm (shop temperature)
side of the insulation.  Sheet polyethylene or "tyvac" would work but would
not be very attractive unless you cover it with a solid panel of fiberboard or
whatever.  The essential thing it to keep the moist, warm air away form the
cold metal door. 
Hope this information is of some use to you,
Bruce Ross
356 S90  #62

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