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Re: Silverstone GP

To: "Mike Lunch" <>, "David Laver" <>
Subject: Re: Silverstone GP
From: "Patrick Young" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 21:22:32 +0200
I suppose the thing about how shocking it is that Arrows are so often in
bits just before the start of a GP would mean more to me if it wasn't for
the fact that every time they put them back together, they seem to fall
apart rather early in the race?


-----Original Message-----
I enjoyed you comments about being hosted in the Arrows enclosure. Some
>years ago I worked for Toshiba when they sponsored the "Footwork" team
>(actually Arrows under the covers). This brought me into contact with the
>team at the time that Derek Warwick was driving for them - I did the
>Silverstone GP event - and was also stunned that the cars were in bits very
>shortly before start.
>I had the pleasure of a visit to their Milton Keynes emporium with Jackie
>Oliver as host - it was stunning to see the CAD techniques in practice and
>the oven and technology for making the carbon fibre bits - not to mention
>the full scale wind tunnel - all a bit old hat now I expect - that must
>been six years ago?

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