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Re: The Perfect Vintage Race Car, without door handles

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: The Perfect Vintage Race Car, without door handles
From: Malcolm Cox <>
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 22:20:28 -0800
> Cooper Monaco with 2.5 Climax.  It's a vintage RACER, in that it's a sports
> racer, it has impeccable lineage, and looks and goes great.  Price shows
> good value for what you get, parts availability is fine (if you can afford
> the car, you can also afford the parts )  and it's British, so normally
> driven in the rain with top down, just like all real cars.

Ah but does it have door handles?
Real cars don't have door handles.
Malcolm (handle less MGA)

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