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Re: The Perfect Vintage Race Car

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: The Perfect Vintage Race Car
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 15:47:15 -0500
>Cancel my vote for the Cooper Monaco, I've just decided that my Merlyn Mk6A
is the perfect vintage racer. to wit:
>Acceptable by everyone I care to race with :)
>Quite reasonably priced, if you buy it right - about half of what a Lotus
23 asking price is.
>Quite amazing parts availability - Clive will still make you any part you
want, including a new factory frame or body, it uses Hewland gears, it has a
fairly Ford motor, I'm getting a spare Martin engine for it, and I can make
anything I can't buy in my workshop!
>Who needs a club for support, when I can get every answer I need here (Dave
Burch!), or from Clive?
>I don't mind getting wet when racing, in fact I love to race in the rain!
Including at Watkins Glen!
>Merlyns are totally historically significant - Emmo drove one, as did Hunt
(the same one, in fact) on their way to World Champion!  And they're rare -
only about 10 Mk6A's left in the world, and Clive maintains a strict control
on chassis numbers, so no fakes have been created.
>And you could drive it on the road if you wanted to - Merlyn made about
half a dozen road going versions of the Mk4 - the predecessor to the Mk6.
>And I repeat my comments that the perfect vintage racer has to be a purpose
built racecar - no production cars need apply!
>Cheers to all, Brian (who's now a bit happier that, while he hasn't been
able to work on his car for a few months, will finally get back to it in
>At 11:12 AM 12/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>What is the perfect vintage racer?
>>Here are the specifications; Acceptable by all venues, Reasonably priced, All
>>weather (for The Glen), Parts availability, Club support, and Historically
>>significant:  Conclusion 750 Series Alfa Sprint. Any other nominations?
Brian Evans
Director, Carrier Sales
UUNET, an MCI WorldCom Company
(416) 216 5111

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