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Re: Porsche tractor

To: <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Porsche tractor
From: "Tony Clark" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 13:59:52 -0500
Jack wondered:

>How many sports and racing car manufacturers had tractor/farm equipment
>Of course we already have delved into:
>Porsche - Porsche tractors
>Lamborghini - Lamborghini tractors
>Aston Martin - David Brown tractors
>How about:
>Ford - Ford and Fordson tractors (with Ferguson)
>Ferguson - Jensen F/F & Novi-Ferguson - Massey-Furguson
>There must be a lot of others. What was the Standard-Triumph tractor that
>always refer to?

Standard Motors built motors for the Ferguson TEA 20 tractor based on the
motor they built for the TR2, 3 & 4.  and the Vanguard sedans.
>BMC and Rootes must have had tractor divisions, but did they carry the same
name as a sports or racing car?

Donno, I think that International Harvestor bought the Jowett (Jupiter)

There was also a line of tractors with the Ferrari name but I'm sure that
it's not THAT Ferrari!

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