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Re: Martin engine in Australia?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Martin engine in Australia?
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 08:33:01 -0400
ECM is Ted Martin's initials.  AS I said, I've looking for info, and your
suggestion that it's used in "a jillion" cars is very exciting.  I NEED
DETAILS!!!  I seem to have the only one left in North America, and I would
dearly love to have a source of tuning info, spares, etc...can you help?


At 08:26 PM 8/5/98 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 98-08-04 16:23:12 EDT, you write:
><<  ECM cast in >>
>Sounds interesting! This engine is used in about a jillion race and high
>performance cars. What is ECM?  initials or some mysterious substance?

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