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Re: prepared in the proper spirit...

Subject: Re: prepared in the proper spirit...
From: (thom kuby)
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 12:56:58 -0700 (PDT)
><< I see the problem as being the WINNER/LOOSER structure.of vintage racing=
> thats what racing is but is this what VINTABE racing should be about?  >>
>Of course it should---- just as it was in the fabled old days. There were
>those who pushed the envelope then and nothing has changed.
>Updating and doing whatever is possible to go faster is not necessarily
>because the owner wants to win - in many cases - he just wants to go faster=
>In my case, it's like playing golf (ugh) I keep my best track time at every
>course I've ever run and my goal is to top that lap time. Just like a golfe=
>might be justly proud of a new personal best using an oversized titanium
>driver, I'm happy as a pig in shit when I increase my valve size (or whatev=
>and turn a better time. It's about enjoying our hobby. A few golfers play t=
>win, the vast majority play for the companionship and the personal challeng=
>Don Queen SF

And THIS is why MOST of us are here...amen

If anyone hasta WIN...I suggest they find some more money and go SCCA Pro,=
 Busch Series, Formula Toyota Atlantic, or some other such venue...Vintage=
 racing is NOT a contact sport, nor is it really about winning as Don has=
 pointed out above...but rather about doing better than we did last time, as=
 well as celebrating (and preserving) some really fine old heaps that mean=
 something to all of us.

thom kuby
'68 Porsche 912

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