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Re: Production Parts vs Homologated Parts

To: Marc Ablaza <>
Subject: Re: Production Parts vs Homologated Parts
From: "Nathaniel J. Leon" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 07:40:46 -0400

>>What are homologated parts?  Are these parts which were  meant
>>for production cars or racing versions? 

As I understand it homologated parts were special production parts. To be
homologated a certain number of new fresh off the assembly line cars had to be
made before a car could be homologated or allowed to race in class. Proudction
requirements were usually numbered between 50 and 200 cars depending on class. 

The purpose of homoligation was to ensure that factory sponsored race cars did
not have an unfair advantage over the privateer. Homolagation is quite common
in Europe and less common here in the US.  

Once the appropriate number of cars were built the factory then made the
"special production" or performance parts available to everyone. Though the
quanities were somewhat limited this still allowed to privateer to race
competatively with the big boys.

Once out of the market many companies would pick up the performance parts and
duplicate or improve them even farther.

Hope that this helps. If any one has an upgrade to this do not hesitate to
chime in.

Niel Leon with Mr. Hyde still in stasis

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