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Re: sear pt.

Subject: Re: sear pt.
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 18:14:14 PST
Rich Lambert wrote:

> "It's too soon to tell. There has been no permanent damage, so if it 
> ever stops raining we can all go racing."
> Jeez...what a bunch of whimps.

That may be, but it isn't the track condition, or the bravado of the
racers that's preventing the racing.  When all the access roads near the
track are washed out, it's a little difficult to tow the racecar to the
track.  ;=) Perhaps we could charter a ferry boat?

Besides, we all know that California builders (construction, not
racecars) know NOTHING about drainage.

FYI, Thunder Hill has the same problem.  The only road in or out of the
track area was under water.

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