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Track Maps

To:, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Track Maps
From: "Jim Hill" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 14:05:19 -0600
Don Queen wrote:

> I have put together a map collection of every track I've
> driven EXCEPT . . . If anyone has a track map of any of these
> three events, please fax . . .

> If anyone else is interested in this anal retentive hobby, let
> me know, I have a large collection.

I can't help you with the maps you're missing, but I'd 
certainly be interested in copies of maps for the tracks I drove 
in California (Riverside, Pomona, Santa Barbara, Chavez Ravine).

Jim Hill
Madison WI

Note: No harm in being somewhat anal retentive - the alternative 
is running around spewing sh*t all over the place. Hmmmm, 
somehow the Team-Thicko list comes to mind . . . :-)

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