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Track Maps

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Track Maps
From: CLC SF <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 12:03:51 EST
I have put together a map collection of every track I've driven EXCEPT Jack
Murphy Stadium  (San Diego) The Lawrence Welk Hillclimb (also San Diego) and
The Delmar Vintage Grand Prix (an ill fated event)

It's amazing what strange things we do during the winter months. But, as you
all know, " Everything else is waiting"

If anyone has a track map of any of these three events, please fax to me at
510-743-9579 or e-mail it as an attachment.

If anyone else is interested in this anal retentive hobby, let me know, I have
a large collection.

Don Queen
Smoke & Mirrors Racing

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