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House cleaning

To: "Vintage race" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: House cleaning
From: "Gerald Brazil" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 19:34:17 -0500
I am doing some serious house cleaning and have the following magazines that
I need to get rid of but it pains me to just put them in the dumpster. If
there is anything you want, you can have it by reimbursing me for the book
rate postage. (I'll pack them for free).

Let me know what you want and send me your address by Friday evening Jan.
23. Saturday they either go in the mail or in the dumpster.

Gerry Brazil

Magazine Inventory:
Hot VW
Jul. 90
Dec. 90
Mar. 91
Jan. 92
Apr. 92
May 92
Nov. 92
Feb. 93
Mar. 93
Apr. 93
Sept. 93
Oct. 93
Dec. 93
Jan. 94
Feb. 94
Mar. 94
Kit Car
Mar. 85
May 85
July 85
Sept. 85
May. 86
July 86
Sept. 89
Kit Car Quarterly
Spring 85
Sports Car Graphic
Aug. 84
Circle Track
Apr. 91
May 91
June 91
July 91
Nov. 91
Dec. 91
Jan. 93
Mar. 93
Apr. 93
Dec. 94
Sports Car Illustrated
Jan. 88
Sports Car International
Nov. 90
Dec. 90
Jan. 91
Apr. 91
May 91
June 91
July 91
Collectible Automobile
Aug. 87
Apr. 88
Dec. 88
Aug 89
Car Collector and Car Classics
July 85
Vintage Racer  (The Historic Motor Sports Journal)
Number 12 (Winter 83)
Special Interest Autos
Aug. 90
Superauto Illustrated
Nov. 85
Auto X
Grassroots Motorsports
May/June 93
May/June 94

Apr. 89

Consumers Guide Auto Series – Lamborghini Countach
Oct. 86
Muscle Cars Compared
Book 2 – 65-71
Sports and GT Market
Mar. 86
Mar. 87 thru Aug 87
Nov  & Dec. 87
Jan. thru July 88
Jan 89

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