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Re: Commercialization, competitiveness and whatever...

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Commercialization, competitiveness and whatever...
From: Jack W Drews <>
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1998 12:55:13 -0500
Jim Hayes wrote:
> Sponsors of vintage events are spending piddling sums. Chrysler is
> sponsoring all sorts of events around the world and as Jeremy mentions,
> helping their image greatly.
> Jim Hayes  Winchester, MA, USA
> All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!

Right. I saw a deal in Mexico in 1985 that fascinated me. I was on a
project there for a year while my Formula Ford waited it out in the USA.

There was a national series of races for formula cars using Chrysler K
car engines. Identical chassis, restrictive rules, looked like Russell
cars. Chrysler and Goodyear co-sponsored the series. They would get
selected cars and drivers to the town several days early for car
displays and autograph signing at malls and dealerships. The local
Goodyear and Chrysler dealers advertised heavily and the local press ate
it up. Big crowds. $$$$$.

Not applicable to vintage racing, maybe, but as an SCCA racer at the
time, I envied it.

uncle jack in frigid iowa
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