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Re: Com. Promotion. In my Defense(the Duck)

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Com. Promotion. In my Defense(the Duck)
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 13:01:49 -500
On  2 Jan 98 at 22:06, FHammett wrote:

> if  Some Vintage Organizers want to adopt SOME of
> those marketing techniques to draw crowds, so be it.  We now have enough
> vintage groups to accommodate several different agendas.  And some of the
> above techniques could be used, with the exception of encouraging crashes, and
> keep the flavor of vintage an still keep the risk acceptable.  Perhaps not for
> the $500,000  ferarris, but for some other groups. 

Gack. So folks in other groups, who will be nature have less money can 
better afford this carnage? Please, if you think car damage is acceptable, will 
someone make sure I know what events/groups you run in ahead of time? If I want 
to enter a demolition derby, I'll do so, but not with a car I want to preserve!

The charter for vintage racing is not to make money, or draw spectators. It's 
to provide a venue to keep the old cars running and active. 

> What one chooses from the above depends on why one likes Vintage Racing.It
> appears to me there are two distintly different philosophies. 

And that's why there are series for banging up cars. Please keep it there!

 Roger Garnett  ( Webmaster

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