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Re: Driver attitudes: was SSP#2 - HP:IQ Ratios

Subject: Re: Driver attitudes: was SSP#2 - HP:IQ Ratios
From: JWoesvra <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 13:30:11 EST
In a message dated 97-12-30 06:39:03 EST, writes:

<< A sheep station is a sheep farming property that is of reasonable size -
 say 10,000 square miles or more.  Something worth racing for!
Thanks for the Aussie history lesson. We would really like to see some of your
stuff up here. As for the sheep station; we have at least one racing team that
has sheep as mascots. I'm sure they could deplete a smallish "sheep station"
in a couple of days. Viva Zappota!

Jack Woehrle

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