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Re: Driver attitudes: was SSP#2 - HP:IQ Ratios

Subject: Re: Driver attitudes: was SSP#2 - HP:IQ Ratios
From: JWoesvra <>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 15:16:17 EST
Your conversations are interesting to say the least. Could you list a short
definition of your various categories, such as what a Group C saloon car is?
>From your talk, it doesn't seem that you follow the FIA regs in total. I would
be great if you guys could load up a container and come over here. Your
Holdens, etc. against our Camaros and Mustangs. 

BTW, another stupid yank question; what is a "sheep station"?

Jack Woehrle
Technical Director
Sportscar Vintage Racing Association

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