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RE: To Race again

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: To Race again
From: "Rockney, Vaughn (GEIS)" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 10:20:45 -0500
  For someone from Maine, I would recommend looking at four
organizations.  You might want to join them all.  All are outstanding.

VARAC, the Canadian group.  I really like this group.  My first choice
for you. 
VSCCA, centered in New England.  I've only been to one event with them,
and it was fabulous.  You can't go wrong with VSCCA.
HSR, originally the Southeast and broadening.  The one I started with
because they sponsored a lot of Monoposto races.  I'm very happy with
HSR, and their range now extends to near you.
SVRA, East of the Mississipi and broadening.  I'm hoping to be active
here in 1998 as they sponsor 4 Monoposto races in 1998.  The first one
is at Homestead in February.

I live in Maryland and like Formula cars, so my likes and needs may not
match yours.  I also really like VSCDA in the Midwest, but don't include
them on the list, because of your location.

Look at the vintage race web page at:

> ----------
> From:[]
> Sent:         Tuesday, December 16, 1997 8:14 AM
> To:
> Subject:      To Race again
> Can anyone help with which direction to go, in preparing my Super
> Sports
> Morgan for the track again.  I am restoring her (new frame for safety
> etc) for what she was intented, but not sure what venues would be best
> for her, there are several associations, VSCC etc, that I have seen
> and
> watched the races, I live in the Down East of Maine, so I would prefer
> East Coast events.  I know that the car was raced, I still know the
> driver for her in 63, Don Griemel, and have documents of her
> specifications from the factory documents.  Can anyone help steer me
> to
> other Morgan racers or a fair class for her, she was a C production
> racer
> back when as a Super Sports version.  
> Thanks for any help!
> Best Regards,
> Bob Bowie of Maine
> PO Box 3751
> Brewer, ME 04412

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