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Re: Morgan Super Sports

To: Bob Bowie M Bowie <>
Subject: Re: Morgan Super Sports
From: Dick Rothman <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 06:57:17 -0500
Bob Bowie M Bowie wrote:
> I have a Morgan Super Sport, but I am confused by some of its options
> placed by the factory and dealer on the car for racing.   I know it did
> race at Marlboro by Dr. Ben Poster and Don Greimel in 1963, and later at
> Limerock.
> It had 2 degree negative camber on the left front wheel, enlarged fuel
> tank, duel fuel lines, and duel fillers.
> The factory had also placed an upper cross axle brace (factory
> documents), and later on arrival it was fitted with a limited slip into
> the rear axle.
> Fergus Motors was the dealer.
> I would appreciate any advice on what this might indicate for use, as I
> would like to see her out again on the track doing what she was intended
> to do!
> Best Regards
> Bob Bowie of Maine.


Hi Bob

You can contact Don Greimel at 410/272-2252 (h.) and I have a work
number of 410/752-6490.  Don heads the automotive department at Harford
Community College near Baltimore (MD), or he may have recently retired. 
He's a great guy who would be delighted to hear from you.  I could not
find a number for Ben Poster.  I know he used to live in the Baltimore

                Dick Rothman
                '65 Turner Mk. III
                '71 Royale  RP 6/17

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