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Re: That slow-ass red car I vaguely recall from Summit Point

To:, owner-vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Re: That slow-ass red car I vaguely recall from Summit Point
From: S800Racer <>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:10:46 EST
        WST:  Was that your car that I have already beaten?  Darn, I was looking
forward to a fresh conquest!  You mentioned getting within shouting distance
of my lap times but you never did better them did you?

        If your car isn't any faster than it was then, I may have to pull a 
plug wire
so we can have a decent dice.  Of course, I can only do that in the qualifying
race, I'll have to go back to the front of the grid on Sunday.  But don't
worry, I promise to wave when I pass all the backmarker 948 sprites.

        Doug "older, faster & far more devious" Meis
        Team Escargot

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