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Re: Magnets on your petrol and Slick50

To: MHKitchen <>
Subject: Re: Magnets on your petrol and Slick50
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 18:04:59 -0500
MHKitchen wrote:
> I'm changing it so often seems to dictate that conventional oil is just fine
> for the engine.  

I changed to synthetics in the engine for different reasons:
1. the synth oil holds up at high temperatures better
2. has lower friction and causes less heat to be generated by bearings
3. reduces wear.
I've heard one of the FF engine builders (Loyning?) ships engines with a
fresh sump of synth oil, says change the filter every race and top off
the oil. He changes it when he rebuilds it!
I run 2-4 races off a sump full, add as necessary, change filter every
race and the oil doesn't get dirty!

Jim Hayes  Winchester, MA, USA    
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!

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