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Re: Sydney circuits

Subject: Re: Sydney circuits
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 07:15:17 -0600

I prefer Grattan in Michigan as the most fun of the tracks we regularly
attend. It's definately asses and elbows negotiating all the successive
turns, camber and elevation changes. It also has the best trackside
facilities around... decent food, running water with quite a few
showers, stocked ponds, swimming pool, manicure grounds...

IRP would run a close secend if they'd repave it.

Team Tthicko wrote:

> OK, I've listened to the glowing, almost passionate praise for Road
> America, without retort, for long enough.  My silence has come from
> the
> fact that I like the place a helluva lot, too!
> But I confess that I have an even greater afterglow for Mid Ohio.  The
> track is technically more challenging than RA, it is the best place to
> spectate in the country, and while it ain't got brats, its got
> McTrueman's
> for breakfast, which will always have a place in my heart...perhaps
> literally.
> And everyone knows that Mid Ohio's in the middle of Ohio, and Ohio's
> in the
> middle of everything!  So, its one of the most accessible tracks in
> the
> country, right?
> And the esses at Mid Ohio are definitive...much as is the dip at Road
> Atlanta, and, umm, well, ok, the kink at Road America.  But minute for
> minute of driving, I don't know of a track that offers more of a
> driving
> experience than Mid Ohio.
> 'Nuf said.
> -Alfred
> At 06:46 PM 12/4/97 EST, you wrote:
> >In a message dated 97-12-04 18:42:24 EST,
> writes:
> >
> ><< Jeremy, I'll put in my 2 pence worth. Every racer should have the
> Road
> > America experience at least once in their racing career. Sell the
> kids to
> > Gypsies, hock your soul with the Devil, do whatever it takes to race
> there
> > once. Biggest vintage race is the BRIC, most fun one is VSCDA's Fall
> > Festival. >>
> >
> >I've raced alot of places and alot of great tracks - the total Road
> America
> >experience is not available anywhere else in the country in my
> opinion.
> >
> >

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