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Re: List Filter Wanted

To: Jeremy Braithwaite <>
Subject: Re: List Filter Wanted
From: der_kafer <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 22:12:21 -0500
Jeremy Braithwaite wrote:
> Help!
> Does anybody know of some software I can beg/borrow/steal or even buy that
> will filter emails received from people who fall into the following
> categories:
> * Knuckleheads that respond to every topic on the list adding their own
> inane comments for their own greater glorification and the total ennui of
> the rest of us
> * Dimwits and bores that raise topics that would only be of passing
> interest to drunken baboons in Timbuctoo
> Ideally the software would work on the list server and simply avoid sending
> me information from these people.  This would also mean that the mailbox
> capacity of Compuserve would not be breached every time I go away for a
> race weekend.
> Others may care to contribute to this topic by adding their own categories
> to the list.
> People who fall into the above categories should please refrain from
> responding!
> regards
> Jeremy
> Age & Treachery Racing Australia
Pardon us knuckleheads, dimwits and bores. 

I think the software you're looking for is:

"UNSUBSCRIBE vintage-race"

Try it, any drunken baboon can spell it. In case you can't, copy it.

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