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Visa's to enter USA

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Visa's to enter USA
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 08:16:27 -0400
I'm amused by the US Government this morning, and I thought I'd share with
you all (Y'all).

The combined US and Canadian Governments have spent many millions of dollars
- both ours and your real ones - building a "fast track" system to allow
trucks to pass through the border between US and Canada using electronic
sensors to identify the trucks, so that border crossing would be faster and

In a related move, the US Congress is about to pass a bill requiring all
people crossing the border via trucks and cars to fill out visa forms,
similar to those required in airports.  The impact of this is that each car
or truck will have about a minute or two extra delay.

So what, you say?  Based on current bordercrossing traffic and capacity the
average delay at a border crossing will go from about 15 minutes or less
now, to at least 15 hours!  

The funny part is that while the trucks will be able to zip right across the
border without stopping, the driver of the truck will have to wait 15 hours!
How will they catch up?  Can you imagine how far back the line will stretch
for a 15 hour delay?  How much duty free booze will actually make it into
the country, not having been consumed in the lineup?  What about food and
facilities for those waiting?  Will McDonalds make a move?

While there will be a big impact on those who live in one country and work
in the other (30 hour commute each day?), I'm wondering if I'll come back
down south very often with my race car!  I'm sure wiser heads than those in
Congress will prevail...

See you soon - maybe...Brian Evans

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