Hi All,
Along with this thin coat of "bondo", which now I think is nylon based if I
remember right, there is also the application of "primer filler" which is
sprayed on with a range of thickness up to about 4 thousands per coat. I
probably coated the car with two gallons of this stuff (and then sanded it
all off out of inexperience). Each time I would sand flat to the metal and
only the low spot would remain "filled". It was often so thin that you
could see the metal underneath.
Though I'm happy with my result on my Speedster, I don't feel qualified
offering suggestions about body and paint work with all the pros on this
list. What inspired me to write was that I was restoring some film shot in
the Scaglietti shops of a 1958 Ferrari Testarossa being manufactured. You
know, currently $2 million plus, finest Italian body builders, handformed
alumimum body pounded over the finest Italian tree stumps.... well they
were slathering Bondo at least 3/8s of an inch thick all over the brand new
panels. Products have improved since 1958: better adhesion and better
finishing products.
The flattest metal is new metal. Your car is going to a lot of fun to
drive no matter what you do.
>Fred Clodfelter wrote:
>[snip] I have been restoring my 356C Cab for about 4 years now.
>Anyway, I am down to smoothing out the panels and have lost some
>enthusiasm. Every panel but the rear deck lid has some sort of wrinkle (not
>from sandblasting) and I do not know how to smooth them.
>I visited a reputable shop nearby to see how they do it. They put a thin
>layer of bondo all over the car. It does not make me happy to see bondo on
>at least the whole lower half of the car. Any suggestions? [snip]
>Fred - believe it or not, this is how virtually ALL "metal" bodywork is
>done these days. I won't get into a debate on the merits of it, it is just
>a fact of life. My neighbor used to own a high end bodyshop (all old
>Ferraris, Porsches and Mercs - vintage, etc.) and the entire car gets a
>thin skim coat of bondo (actually it is similar to bondo but is a LOT more
>expensive stuff and supposedly much better) before final blocking and
>Ross D. Vincenti
>Asst. General Counsel/Asst. Sec'ty.
>Transamerica Home Loan - Legal Dept.
>Los Angeles, CA 90015
>(213) 742-4756 phone
>(213) 741-7231 or 741-6945 fax
>64 356C Coupe
>64 Triumph Spitfire 4
"Hay Bales and Asphalt"
a video featuring vintage footage
of motor racing from 1957 to 1961.
Images and description at
My 1953 Devin-Porsche Restoration project