I'd like to comment on the passing under the yellow situation. Locally,
both Florida and Central Florida Regions of the SCCA, the stewards have
taken a very firm stand on this issue. If you are reported and
confirmed as having passed under the yellow, your weekend is pretty much
guaranteed as being over (not just disqualified, over and done)! The
primary reason for this is the fact that, under a yellow-flag condition,
there may well be workers on or very near the track and the race
officials refuse to put them at further risk. I personally, and the
Vintage group as a whole, totally support them in there reasoning and
wish more organizers would take a similar view of the situation.
John A. Rollins, Vintage Race Coordinator
Florida Region, SCCA
BroColls@aol.com wrote:
> I'm with you Myles, I give VARA great credit for pulling off the LA GP with
> only minor glitches. I guess I'm more forgiving than some because I was
> involved in putting on the Northwest Historics in July and realize how hard
> it is to get everything to work out with volunteer help. The course was "Oh
> So Tight" but manageable if one backed off a bit. The #58 Tiger did well and
> stayed out of trouble with a little help from the other Tiger drivers letting
> us know who to watch out for. I was concerned that VARA seemed to take such a
> light approach to passing under the yellow flag. I was passed twice under
> waving yellows and was told by the other VARA Tiger drivers that the drivers
> who passed me do that often and always get away with it. Sad, but real
> dangerous. We at SOVREN in the Northwest are very serious about passing under
> the yellow because we want to protect drivers, workers and our sport. I only
> hope they don't have an injury before they take yellow's seriously.
> John & Cindy #58 Tiger