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Re: Lotus 30/40

To: Jim Hayes <>
Subject: Re: Lotus 30/40
From: Jarl&Carol <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 17:06:53 -0700
Apropos the comment that the Lotus 40 was simply a 30 with 10 additional

It's said that it took such a long time to design the 40 since all the
obvious places to make mistakes had already been attended to in the 30
and it took at least an extra six weeks to find more places to introduce
weakness and fragility. I never could figure out if driving one "balls
out" was a sign of bravery, foolishness, or lack of information. The
only 30 I drove (at touring speed+ only) was the most "flexible" car I
ever experienced - an "elastic" drive.  Jarl

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