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Re: In defense of Stirling Moss

Subject: Re: In defense of Stirling Moss
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 13:40:57 PDT
Dick Carlson wrote:
> Simon Favre wrote:
> >   This year, Steve Earle opened up the drivers
> > lounge/lunch area above turn 1 to all HMSA members attending the
> > Historics.
>  At least a dozen years ago, this area was open to HMSA members, as was
> the (then) Ford (now Chrysler) breakfast. Sponsorship marches on.
>  The Lotus Festival had dinner at the Monterey Aquarium, two years ago,
> also. And no, you don't bring your own bait. <G>

Maybe last year they had some overly aggressive security guards. Even tho
I was an entrant, they wouldn't let my wife in without the special team
pass. We got one, but it was a nuisance. The rejection letter I got this
year specifically said it was open to all members, so I thought that was
a new idea. The security people did seem well briefed this time. We had
no problem getting in.

I was there at the aquarium. Dining in front of the largest aquarium
window in the world was unique.

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