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Monterey nightmare

To: <>
Subject: Monterey nightmare
From: Urs Eberhardt <>
Date: 08 Aug 97 03:31:27 EDT
Hi all

Thanks a lot for all those helping words, phone numbers, hints etc. I can't
reply those dozens of mails individually, because I'am still hoping to take the
plane Monday morning and have loads of work to finish.

Several people suggested I ask Martin Button from Cosdel for help. This gave me
at least some confidence to be with the right expert as the stuff is in his
hands from the beginning. 

He says that until a month ago this problem would have been solved in a minute
but that now there is a whole new crew and new rules in the customs offices.

But he's still optimistic. I hope to see a lot of you in Monterey. I'm impressed
how this mail forum works.

Thank's a lot.

Urs Eberhardt
Bliss Racing Partnership

  E-mail von: Urs Eberhardt, 08-Aug-1997

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