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Re: Cheats??

To:, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Cheats??
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 12:15:51 -0400 (EDT)

Oops, I guess I hit a nerve...sorry about that!!  I do get your point
regarding blatant disregard for rules.  I'm sure I fall into that category
myself, sometimes.  (for example, my lexan windshield...after breaking 4 hard
to get and expensive windshields, I had to find another solution).  I think
most vintage racers do it in one way or another.  You're right about how far
do we let people go before calling them on the carpet for it.  

If you prepare your car to the absolute letter of the rules, it is virtually
certain that it will not be competitive... maybe that's OK, depending on what
you're personal objectives are.  My point was, that those who are competitive
and often win, will sometimes "interpret" the rules, and sometimes they'll
outright cheat.  Until they get caught and nailed on it, they're likely to
continue to cheat....and win....that's been part of racing since day 1 is my
point...not that its right or wrong...its just the way it is....

My objective is to have LOTS of fun, and sometimes I win....that's FUN too.
 I've been moved from EP to DP (and sometimes even up to AP!!) but that's OK
too, cause I still have FUN!!  But I don't have to run slicks, heim joints,
and whatever else to do that....


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