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Re: Virus warning!!

To: "Gary Shell" <>
Subject: Re: Virus warning!!
From: (Jim Isbell)
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 10:51:38 -0500 (CDT)
>Not so fast, according to the latest Windows magazine (May 1997, p312)
>McAfee has uncovered just such a virus.  The article says nothing about it
>damaging a hard drive, but it does appear to propagate itself by
>automatically creating email messages to anyone in you address book.

I dont believe it.  I have been programming for 30 years and do so in 6
languages.  I dont believe it.

First it would be dependent upon which E-Mail program you have.  There are
many programms and only one would be affected.  If you mean they have found
one that affects Microsofts software, then dump the software, its junk.  But
I still dont believe it.

Any virus has to be run, not read to do any dammage.  I read my mail, I dont
try to run it.  It is possible to put a macro into a document that when read
by Word for Windows..........but then who does that.  The Email program
reads it for you.  Again this would only affect Word For Windows and only if
you were follish enough to read it in Word and would not do any dammage to
the Hard Drive or any other hardware.  I still dont believe it.
         JIM I.

"Beter an outlaw than not free."   Nance Oneil

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