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Virus warning!!

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Virus warning!!
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 02:17:07 -0400 (EDT)
     Wanted to pass this message (warning) on to all of you.   
     This information was received this morning from IBM, please
     share it with anyone that might access the Internet:
     If anyone receives mail entitled PENPAL GREETINGS!  Please delete 
     it WITHOUT reading it!!  This is a warning for all Internet users
      - there is a dangerous virus propagating across the Internet     
     through an e-mail message entitled PENPAL GREETINGS!  DO NOT    
     appears to be a friendly letter asking you if you are interested in
     a penpal, but by the time you read the message, it is too late.  The 
     "trojan horse" virus will have already infected the boot sector of 
     your hard drive, destroying all of the data present.  It is a self 
     replicating virus, and once the message is read, it will     
     AUTOMATICALLY forward itself to anyone whose e-mail address is
     present in YOUR mailbox!  The virus will DESTROY your hard drive 
     and holds the potential to DESTROY the hard drive of anyone whose
     mail is in your box, and who's mail is in their box and so on.
     If this virus keeps getting passed, it has the potential to do a      
     great deal of DAMAGE to computer networks worldwide!!!  Please,
     delete the message entitled "PENPAL GREETINGS!" as soon as you
     see it and pass this message along to all of your friends,     
     relatives and other readers of newsgroups and mailing lists which
     you are on so that they are not hurt by this dangerous virus!!!
     Please pass this along to everyone you know so this can be stopped.
     Danny Struebing
     Department Administrator, Department of History
     University of Wisconsin - Madison
     3211 Humanities Bldg. 455 N. Park Street
     Madison, WI 53706
     Tel # (608) 263-1810, Fax # (608) 263-5302     
     Marielizabeth Crompton
     Director of Media & Inst. Tech.
     Phone 860-572-2180
     Fax 860-572-21

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